Message from Chair of Organising Committee
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 2022 Public Health Forum.
The disruptions to nearly all aspects of our lives during the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the fundamental importance of public health and the need to rise to the major health challenges of our time. The syndemic of health inequalities, environmental insults, non-communicable diseases, and infectious diseases have driven the pandemic’s profound impact on physical, mental, and social wellbeing. It is therefore fitting that the theme of this year’s Public Health Forum revolves around emerging and prevailing health challenges of the 21st century, namely:
the “Unfinished Epidemic of Infectious Diseases”;
the “Emergent Epidemic of Non-communicable Diseases”;
the “Unnecessary Epidemic of Environmental Insults”; and
the “Unethical Epidemic of Inequalities”
These complex challenges require innovative solutions that bridge the divide between science, practice, and policy. In this Forum, we bring together speakers, respondents, and participants from different disciplines to engage and share ideas on some of the world’s largest public health threats.
We hope you enjoy the Forum and we look forward to your thoughts on how the health of populations can be better protected.
Dr Michael Y Ni
Chair, Organising Committee
Public Health Forum 2022
Clinical Associate Professor
Division of Community Medicine and Public Health Practice School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong