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Unfinished Epidemic of Infectious Diseases

Hui Ling Yen (2021).jpg

Session Chair & Respondent

Session 3

Dr Hui-Ling Yen

Associate Professor, Division of Public Health Laboratory Sciences,
School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong


Dr Hui-Ling Yen received her Ph.D. in Epidemiological Science from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor followed by her postdoctoral training at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. Her research interests focus on understanding the mechanisms of influenza transmission among and between different reservoirs, investigating potential virus-host interactions that affect viral pathogenicity and transmission, and examining the molecular determinants that confer antiviral resistance.


A major research focus in her lab has been on transmission mechanisms. The ongoing research projects apply interdisciplinary research tools to study the modes of transmission for influenza and other respiratory viruses under laboratory settings and in the field, including at the animal-human interfaces. Her lab also uses genetic analyses, molecular biology, and phenotypic measurements to study critical molecular determinants and their effect on protein functionality and viral fitness. Those studies are in collaboration with local researchers from the University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Guangdong Provincial CDC (China), Genomic Research Centre, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (USA). â€‹


Dr Yen is a full member of the American Society of Virology and a committee member of ISIRV Antiviral Group. She serves at Editorial Boards of Antiviral Research, Indoor Air, and PLOS ONE.

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